Glam Metal (a.k.a. Hair Metal)
In the late-1980s, when Heavy Metal was as mainstream as anything else on MTV (does anyone remember MTV?), the Heavy Metal movement began taking after the 1970s, specifically 1970s Glam Rock (T. Rex, David Bowie, Alice Cooper, Queen). Popular Heavy Metal artists started teasing their hair and applying girly make-up in an effort to look as androgynous as possible, and putting an emphasis on stagecraft over substance and authenticity. Today, no one would bat an eye, but these were the 1980s, after all, and many Metal fans were like, “This is getting way too poppy and wimpy,” and we should all be grateful for that.1. If it wasn’t for them – fans and artists alike – who knows if, say, the Black Metal scene would have emerged as it did – with performers donning makeup and taking after the gay leather scene?2
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Just don't tell them that. As poignantly pointed out by sociologists Ben Hutcherson and Ross Haenfler that though there is "empirical similarity between adoring oneself with corpse paint [which will be explained later below, G.] and applying eyeliner and mascare, [Extreme Metal] adherents define the two situations in drastically different ways."3 A certain vocalist of a Bluff City Extreme (presumably Black) Metal Metal, band once said this in an interview that it's about being fucking evil: "We're up there [on stage] looking like horrific fuckin' beasts, with our gauntlets and goat skulls and shit ... it's not some bullshit put-on-your-mommy's-makeup gimmick." He was backed up by a drummer and veteran of the scene, who remarked that he himself had been "wearing corpse paint longer than most of these girl-pants-wearing f_____s [censored by me, G.] have been goin' through their mom's or sister's makeup kit."
But at any rate, Glam Metal lost its mainstream appeal in the 1990s, mostly due to the rise of Grunge -- though some early pioneers of the genre (Mötley Crüe, Poison, Ratt) are still active and some new ones have formed (The Darkness, Reckless Love, Steel Panther).
In terms of letter design and style, Glam logos come in all sorts of types and shapes, but as a general rule they tend to be girly and brightly colored, which is by no means a bad thing. They’re just not particularly extreme and insular in design.

[2] Entry on Heavy Metal: Visual Style and Iconography. J. Sturman, ed. The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture; W. Philips and B. Cogan. Studs. Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal Music, 2009; R. Moore. Ch. 3: Hell Awaits. Sells Like Teen Spirit: Music, Youth Culture, and Social Crisis, pp. 93-94, 2010; K. Grow. Rolling Stone: The Last Word: Judas Priest’s Rob Halford on the Joys of Leather and 40 Years of ‘Breaking the Law’., 2020.
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